Message from the President of the HCAVS Board of Directors

Written by HCAVS on .

Kladakis Stefanos

Dear colleagues and friends,

As the new President of HCAVS Board of Directors I’d like to thank previous board members, all my unopposed colleagues, our sponsors, all our members and of course our secretary who supported OUR Society from the very beginning of its existence. Collaboration, togetherness and teamwork are the basic components of our success.

Our personal lives are very complicated, our profession is very demanding, we need to spend enough time with our family and friends. That makes our time precious. We need to use time in our favor and this is something we need to focus.

Our priority is to further promote continuing professional development for our members. We will use our website and social media to communicate in advance all our scientific events and activities.

I also ask you to further embrace our scientific journal “Hellenic Journal of Companion Animal Medicine” and I do invite you to highlight your work and our profession by submitting papers. Let your peers know what you do and how you do it. Interact with them and believe me by doing that you will help veterinary science to move forward!

The current financial environment is very demanding and restrictive for all of us as persons and for HCAVS also. It’s very important that our members fulfil their financial obligations to OUR Society. To make that easier for all we have added secure online payments options in our website. It’s easier than ever now to become a member, to renew annual membership or to register for a scientific event.

We need our members to be active and demanding. We appreciate and welcome any suggestions or comments you may have and we will use them to improve and move forward.

Our aim is to continue the course of our Society that our predecessors started and to achieve that we need vigilance and creativity from ALL. HCAVS will keep supporting companion animal veterinarians and this is our main goal for the next 3 years of our service.

We want you ALL to join us in this course,,


My very best wishes,

Colonel Stefanos Kladakis, DVM
President of HCAVS Board of Directors




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