Scientific Journal

Scientific Journal of the Hellenic Companion Animal Veterinary Society (HCAVS)


Balloon dilation of tracheal stenosis in a polytraumatized cat

Totta Ε. DVM, CertAVP, PgCert VPS, Plakentia Veterinary Clinic, Athens, Greece


Tracheal stenosis is rare in cats and occurs mainly due to neoplasia, inflammation or trauma. Stenting, medical and surgical treatments have been suggested whereas balloon dilation has rarely been used. The aim of this study is to describe balloon dilation of tracheal stenosis in a polytraumatized cat.

Clinical case

A 1.5 y.o male castrated cat was admitted with dyspnoea, stridor, cyanosis and fractures of both hindlimbs. Dexamethasone and sedatives were administered and the cat was placed in an oxygen cage. Thoracic and hindlimbs radiographs that followed, revealed tracheal stenosis and right femoral and left tibial fractures. Tracheoscopy confirmed a 2mm stricture in thoracic trachea, which was successfully dilated with a balloon catheter (Medi - Globe 5.0 και 7.0 atm). Orthopedic surgery followed.


The stricture reformed after 5 days and dilation was repeated. A 4.5mm endotracheal tube, lubricated with cortisol and lidocaine gel, was inserted to maintain the dilation for 30 minutes. Recovery was uneventful. Tracheal stenosis recurred 15 days later and euthanasia was performed.


Balloon dilation of tracheal stenosis in the cat, only rarely leads to definitive treatment as a sole method. Nevertheless, it could provide emergency stabilization and relief, especially when surgical treatment or stent, are not an option.

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